I made this lollie (above)after being inspired by a tutorial on the House of 3 Inspiration blog done by Rhonna Farrer. She also did a great tutorial on making blossoms with coffee filters, so when hubby gets home, he will need to run out and buy more. Whoopsie! Hey, I got carried away!
Friday night, I took my daughter, her boyfriend and I went out to see the new movie, Valentine's Day. It was frothy and cute. No big, deep life lessons, but I got to hang with my girl, get to know her young man better and laugh at the crazy parking jobs in the snow around the theater. The government had declared a state of emergency, schools were out and our mail never arrived, but by golly, that theater was packed to the last seat. Cabin fever had everyone aching to get out!
Look what was outside of our 'cabin'...a supersized and scary couple of icicles. We have very tall windows, so these would be lethal should you be under one the moment they decide to break loose from their perch. Had a bit of a "Psycho" shower fright when I opened the curtain to see those! Maybe, just maybe, at this rate the icicles and snow may melt in time for summer break. I hear we're supposed to get more snow on Monday. Noooooooooooooooooooo!
OOOH I LOVE your Valentine's Day decorations! Very pretty!
Sorry you don't get to spend the day with your hubby but love doesn't need a special day - celebrate everyday!
Keep warm Casii!
I'm praying "they" are round this time around! Love the lollies! And knock down that ice...that's scary to even look at from here!
ooh, I LOVE you lollies! What did you use for the scalloped piece on the back? Love the feather. I tried the coffee filter flower heart box wreath thing this weekend too. Don't really love how it turned out, but it was mindless fun and filled my need to craft. :)
Those icicles are SCARY! I had a friend who always said that a giant icicle was the perfect murder weapon because it would melt--no evidence. Those definitely look like they could be candidates!
I love your decorations and lollies! We have giant scary icicles around here too, but not at my apartment.
Lover your banners! I tried my hand with the coffee filter flowers too. :)
And our theater was also filled to the gills even though the weather was bad.
Sorry your honey wasn't home for Valentine's day!
Cerri xoxo
Great decorations! My hubby was home but nothing romantic here. I figure last year's romance got us 2 kids, we should probably forgo it this year ;)
Icicles?! stay warm. We are having the warmest year I can remember. We'll pay for these 50 degree temps come summer with all the wildfires, but for now, I'll enjoy em.
wow, great idea. I love it. You are a very creative gal! xxoo LA
Your lolli is adorable. I love your banners and lanterns too. You are so festive. Hope you and hubby made Valentines Day a late celebration...
I definitely <3 that lolly - makes me think it's a wand too! Queen of Valentine's! I'm sorry you had to postpone your Valentine's Day celebration a bit, I can truly empathize with that! BTW, the decorations are kicka$$! :-)
LOVE your decorations and your beauty of a lolly! Your weather is so scary looking...I'd be afraid to leave the house. We were excited to get exactly 14 minutes of snow here. They CLOSED school because the white stuff was in the forecast. That must seem INSANE to you right? We stayed outside the whole time and the girls had a ball. I'll send some sun*!*
{I've missed you girl!}
I sooo love your style...That Lolli is just adorable!Your house is so cozy! Hope you survived the snow, I have to say we had Cabin Fever here too, but it was kind of fun!
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