Neighbor, teacher, coach gifts. Most certainly not checked off. Cards mailed for the few who won't chuck them with the trash on December 26. Um, not checked off. Stocking stuffers? Still light on the fillers. Meals planned for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Not so much. The big game night showdown invites & planning done? Nope!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas Postcards
Neighbor, teacher, coach gifts. Most certainly not checked off. Cards mailed for the few who won't chuck them with the trash on December 26. Um, not checked off. Stocking stuffers? Still light on the fillers. Meals planned for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Not so much. The big game night showdown invites & planning done? Nope!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Happy Happy Mail Day!
Here are a couple of tiny canvases I had taken to the Open House this weekend. After I made them, I fell in love and had a tiny hope that they wouldn't sell. My hopes were not in vain. They will be settling in here at home with me, but lots of other bits & bobs will be making their way to Etsy shortly in hopes of finding a good home. Love that blue tinsel! Snagged that up at Vintage Melrose in Phoenix when I was at Creative Escape and kind of wish I could've picked up more in both volume and color.
Have you seen the video of these guys? Click here for Christmas cheer: YouTube - Straight No Chaser - 12 Days Love it!
Friday, December 7, 2007
The line between tasteful and tacky is a thin one indeed
Monday, December 3, 2007
A cool yule is on the way!
Hubby isn't going to be happy because I had set aside a couple of boxes of decorations to donate and he packed them up into the attic instead. It's all good stuff, just not my kind of good stuff. I should really get those boxes into the back of my car before he starts questioning every item in each box. Yes, it's a nice roll of wired mustardy gold ribbon, but I can't see myself ever using it again, ya know? I'm married to a packrat who still has issues of Boys Life from the 70's somewhere. I can see the future after we have passed from this earth:
Our mourning (hopefully) children are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of STUFF packed into our attic, basement, closets and outbuildings. In their busy lives at professional organizers, they simply don't have the time to sort it all out, so they hire an auction company where our 'prized' possessions will be auctioned off in $2 box lots to our neighbors.
Yep, running out to the car now!
This week, I have two, count 'em, two exciting events going on. One is an art share. We're each going to bring a project or two with supplies enough for everyone and spend the day learning new skills, making fun stuff and communing with likeminded crafty gals. I'm bringing a couple of projects to the table. Sneak peek of one of the projects~ornaments made from vintage candle reflectors. I had seen something similar a few other places, but the prices were kinda high, so began to wonder 'could we make that?'. After a few attempts, the answer is happily yes!
What starts out as this:
Ended up at this:
The 2nd event coming up is an open house at my friend Michelle's home on Sunday afternoon. Several home biz people will be there and I will also have a smallish offering of fun goodies that are a little retro, a little vintage, a lot of fun. I'm so excited because my Moo cards finally arrived so I can pass them out! They're like tiny little business cards with my info on the back. I love them! Wish me luck for this Sunday. I'll need all I can get. Putting my stuff, my babies, out there is a big step and I'd hate to think that people didn't at least like it a little bit. Leftovers will be going into a new Etsy shop.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
And the winner is...
After a day of glittery crafting happiness at my friend Kelly's house, I came home to check the first day of Teresa McFayden's 12 Days of Comfort & Joy blog/e-zine: Paper Bella Studio
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thankful and a give away!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Fun stuff!
And, a box full of amazing goodies. From Ebay. I quite literally feel like I hit the jackpot with this lot and will be looking to share a few things, so be on the lookout for my next blog entry which will be my measly 25th entry for a retro, kitschy Christmas giveaway! I was so excited going through this box that I forgot for a moment that the hubby probably wouldn't look at several packages arriving on the same day as a 'good mail day', but rather as a, 'oh boy, what has she gone and done now' kind of event. I was squealing at him to come and look. I completely lost my wits, but wow, good haul.
Also in the giveaway will be some goodies from my vast assortment of Christmas love stash. Can you tell I love Christmas? Does that come across? Because if it didn't, let me tell you, I LOVE CHRISTMAS!
Today while hubby was working on an enormous project from The List, I had a little time to play in the studio. It looks like a craft store blew up in there, but good things are happening. Sometimes they're happening so fast, I seem to be in the midst of 3-4 different projects at once.
Before Christmas completely takes over though, I've got to give Autumn its due. The leaves this year have been absolutely gorgeous beyond compare. Some days have felt like pretty gifts all wrapped up in a cozy sweater with a steaming mug of soup kinds of days. To do: make more soups & stews, read more novels while curled up under a quilt, jump into a pile of leaves and sit on the porch swing to while the afternoon away....
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Big Turkey, Me!
The only solution to this problem is to do something I fought against for YEARS in our marriage. I still get a little eye twitch while doing it, but the headaches it saves me make it definitely worth the doing. Make him a list. I couldn't stand making lists of to-do's for him. I was not his mother. I did not understand why he couldn't take a look around the house and see the work that needed to be done. His mind doesn't operate the way mine does though. He can appear to be looking around the living room but in his head, he's thinking "I need to check Casii's front tires." Good thing to think because I have one that tends to lose air faster than the others, but he would never see the pile of books on the floor, the newspaper spread out over 3 sofa cushions, the cat hair that needs to be vacuumed off the rug or the 3 glasses on the coffee table left there from the night before.
I got a crazy idea this year that I was going to make little placecards. Sketched it up, made a demo model and proceeded to churn them out. They were a lot more work than I planned on, but I think they turned out nicely. Next time I'm hosting though, I may see the good sense in writing someones name on a tent folded piece of cardstock!
A couple of weeks ago, Dianna tagged me to list 7 random facts about me. I'm so tardy, sorry girlfriend! Be warned, you asked for it!
Friday, November 2, 2007
The ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties...
Monday, October 29, 2007
Halloween and Homecoming
Catch Up Photo Post!
See that guy in the water? He's tied himself to a concrete post and has a spear. Why did he tie himself up? Well, because you're not supposed to be in that freaking water! It used to be a port, but the water is too rough. In the late 80's I think, a barge full of new Toyotas broke loose and crashed upon the rocks here. An insurance adjuster from Lloyds of London came by on helicopter and insisted that it land on the barge so he could get a closer look. Big wave came and drowned the adjuster. Nope, we wouldn't be snorkeling there.
Sea Turtles abound on the Big Island! They are quite firm in their admonishments to stay at least 20 feet away from the turtles, but apparently the turtles didn't get the memo. They will swim with you, around you, ignore you or take a liking to you, but they are hard to stay 20 feet away from unless you are out of the water at all times. I got a big kick out of them. So cute! Of course, all I could think of to say to them was "Cowabunga Dude" because I had "Finding Nemo" on the brain.
The photo of this crater does not do justice to the raw fear and terror it inspires. In Volcano National Park, it's unofficially called The Devil's Mouth. The sides of have collapsed down into sheer walls and just getting within 6 feet, I got sick to my stomach. I'm not bragging, but I'll ride any amusement park attraction, I'll go to the scariest haunted houses in October and it takes a lot to truly freak me out. This did it. There was a smallish sign telling people to walk no further about 100 feet away because of unstable crater walls. The clear path lets us know that most people ignore the sign. It's in our guide book as worth the look, so we did. Even my college freshman who thinks he's immortal respected the boundaries I told him to keep. Yep, that was my Halloween scare for the year.
Sunset atop Mauna Kea. This tops our sunrise at Haleakala on Maui. It was almost a party atmosphere with people taking photos in parkas in the thin, moonscape atmosphere, but when the sun began descending a hush came upon everyone. As the sun departed, someone sat on a rock and softly played old hymns on a harmonica. Even as an adult, it was one of those rare moments when you really feel like God wanted to show YOU something special. The ride up there was wild, the ride down even wilder in the dark, but if you ever go to the Big Island, just do it Bro!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Loco Moco Bro!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Who wound up the clock?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Going Once, Going Twice, Sold!
Best finds were a 1886 store ledger, a large McCoy planter, a hand-tied quilt, boxes of Instant Ancestors, a Coats & Clark zipper display and the vintage sled. All in all, it was a cheap date. We usually don't buy it unless we'll use it. If you see our house, you'll realize, that yes, this really IS our house. Full of vintage, old stuff. I was singing a happy song the entire way home!
Last night, we went out again! Fave Mexican place and it was goooood.
Guess what? We're going out AGAIN tonight! Aren't we bad? Celebrating our anniversary doing some of our favorite things?
More journal pages coming soon, but had to get the auction finds posted before everything found a home! All that walking and auctioning got my steps in. How are you doing as we head into the home stretch of this 21 days?