My camera and my Christmas journal have a hard time meeting for coffee and photos. The journal usually comes out for play late in the evening. The camera functions best during the daylight hours. They were able to pass like ships in the night the other day and this is what I had done at that point:
This one above was on wrapping. I have a gift wrap fetish. It's a disease I tell you. If a dodgy guy on a street corner whispered "flocked papers from Paris" to me as I walked by, I'd follow him into the back of a windowless van to buy whatever he had to sell. It's that bad.
I kind of felt bad about gluing an old honeycomb bell in here and then further defacing it with a rub-on. Then I opened it and smiled. It was worth it.
A few years ago, I taught a class making a book with these little cardboard cd holders. I had bought several for more projects and well, you know how that goes. I made a Christmas 'Mix Tape' cd and put it in here as a snapshot of our favorite holiday songs. This will tie into the album with vintage seam binding once it's all bound.
Everything is pretty darn simple and I have to admit it's a challenge not to do a little here or a little there and keep tweaking it, but even simple looks quite nice when you stack them all together and get a vision of how the finished project will turn out.
Remind me to show you the BEST Christmas gift ever! It's so amazing, I don't even know if I should accept it. I'm at a loss for words (a very rare occurence). Vintage, sparkly lovers will drool. It's prettiness squared. It's the PI of pretty. It's, well, make me show you later!
Can't wait to see the gift! Sounds great.
I think I'd be with you on the flocked paper...well, maybe foiled ones.
love your journal!
Who's got flocked paper (heh heh)? You Christmas tease, you, teasing us with the BEST Christmas gift ever and dropping buzz works like glittering and vintage lovers! Harumph! You write a very funny blog.
Oh I'm going to be checking back to see your gift
Larvely! Love the Cd holder and the fold out bell and...and EVERYTHING! :)
Show us, show us! We want to see. :) The journal looks great, Casii.
there is no word for you but wrong for leaving us hanging like those journal pages..!
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