1. My sister and I rotate homes for Thanksgiving each year. This year is her turn to host. We haven't decided what's worse; the expense & stress of buying all that food or the expense & stress of travelling between Maryland and Michigan. It's all worth it. Most years, our parents or my younger sister may join us. This year, our parents are moving on Thanksgiving weekend. We'll miss them!
2. We plan at least a month ahead of time what our menu will be. It usually begins when the November issue of Bon Appetit lands on our doorsteps. She makes up a spiffy spreadsheet when it's her year. I usually have the menu jotted down on sticky notes. Can we guess who the has the gift of administration?
3. I'm a big kid when it's comes to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Super huge highlight of the day for me. This is where I will let the turkey burn and the potatoes boil over while I sit on the floor and watch random numbers of current Broadway shows. Isn't it sad that I generally choose what I want to go see in the next year by a 2 minute number performed on Herald Square?:)
4. My son has a tradition to stay out overnight at Best Buy for the Black Friday sales. Some call this crazy. Some call it savvy. He thinks it's fun and is in mourning that he will not be able to have friends to join him this Thursday night. He has no shopping list. He didn't last year either, but he did come home with a new flat screen monitor for my computer.
5. Last year we started a new tradition of the Family Talent Show. After watching Dan In Real Life and seeing their talent show, we thought we'd give it a try. We had magic, singing, displays of physical strength and more. I've been informed that this year, my nieces have been working hard and plan to thrash the rest of us thoroughly. Guess I better stock up on age appropriate prizes!
6. We also have a Thankful journal to write our menu, draw pictures, journal what we're thankful for this year, etc. I added a few new touches to bring it into this Thanksgiving season.
Lovely tale :)
Here's the deal - if I pick you out for the goodies, I'll send everything except the paper. That would either get squished or put the postal price too high...
I don't wish to be thought of as playing favourites :)
I love that gratitude journal idea...might have to steal that one! Have a nice trip!
See, I really DO read these! I like the idea of the journal as well. Have a safe trip if we don't talk to you before Wednesday!
I think the Thankful journal is a wonderful idea. Happy Thanksgiving
I'm coming....don't leave without me*!*
You are so organized! My boy would love John Deere Tractor paper... I'll have to keep an eye out for that. He'll be getting plenty of John Deere stuff for Christmas, it would be even better in JD paper.
I've got to go to bed but I wanted to tell you I LOVE the table cloth that the pics are taken on :)
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