In the past few days, events have caused me to feel even more deeply that material possessions and status mean little while relationships mean a great deal.
I want to make the most of the new, freshly minted year! What are YOUR plans to make 2009 a year well lived? I'm still working on a short list.
So far...
1) Not let my studio get the the point where it was most of December. Embarrassingly, on a lark I posted photos on an online forum (Messy Studio) and got far more comments than on the photos of when my studio was pristine (well, pristine for me~Clean Studio).
But, December was a deliciously creative month due to the commitment to do a little each day, so I need to working on...
2)Seeking balance. In everything. How do I accomplish that? I really dislike lists, but they work. Need to find ways to make lists more palatable...
3)While eating less. Eat less. The past few months of holidays have been a whirlwind of yummy food and how do I bring in the New Year? By making sticky buns. My jeans are tighter and my body is tired because it needs to...
4)Move more. Without fail, while each holiday season is a cause for celebration, it also gives me the convenient excuse that I have no time for exercise. I'm so happy that last year I ran a 5K. Huge for me. HUGE! I completed another very tough 90 day program. But, cold weather brought a near halt to the running and then our television broke, so I couldn't just pop in a dvd then fall came around with the first of the holidays and along with the activities, I became a temporary couch potato, so this year...
5)No more excuses. In exercise, in eating less (and eating well), in seeking balance and in keeping not only the studio, but my home a haven against chaos.
This past weekend, I did some shuffling around in the studio. Moved a small table in, organized the Christmas chaos, rearranged and hubby finally put a light in that has been waiting on the sidelines for almost two years! Love this light!
We also finished a little project for the back porch that was, at the least, 5 years in the making. Oh, the best of intentions, but in the end, hubby and I did get it done! Photos soon...
Ohh, big P.S.~ArtsyMama has started a year long blog subscription that will feature many talented artists. Each week will have a different focus, but each month will center on a certain color. Sound like fun? It's only $12 for the entire year. That's less than 3 trips to Starbucks for a year of art-filled living!